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Pred nami je že 16. Parada ponosa. V teh letih je postala krovni prepoznavni moment LGBT+ skupnosti v Sloveniji. Parada je nastala kot protest proti strukturni homofobiji, ki jo LGBT+ osebe doživljajo v družbi. Zagotavlja vidnost skupnosti, ki je zaradi svoje drugačnosti vedno znova izrinjena iz javnega, političnega in kulturnega življenja. Predvsem pa omogoča prostor svobode; tisti dan v letu ko je vsaka in vsak točno to kar je. Brez pritiskov po normalizaciji, skrivanju in omejevanju samega sebe.

LGBT+ osebe so v družbi stigmatizirane in razvrednotene, neenakovredne – Parada je tista kjer si svoje dostojanstvo vzamemo nazaj. Brezkompromisno.

S prihodom vsakega novega odobja nastane tudi novi poskus artikulacije razlike s preteklim stanjem, preteklimi načini. Letošnji festival zato najbolj od vsega zaznamuje nova ekipa ljudi z jasno artikulacijo kritike družbi in prav tako izrecnim sporočilom: ne le, da ne pristajamo na homofobijo, zavračamo vse oblike rasizmov. Pristop temelji na prepoznavanju potrebe po solidarizaciji z drugimi, ki si z nami delijo družbeni rob ter jasno zahtevo po enakopravnosti in enakovrednosti.

Parada ponosa je moment upora proti vsiljeni normalnosti vrednotenja ljudi na podlagi njihove prave ali neprave telesnosti, spolne usmerjenosti, pripadnosti, porekla… Mi ne pristajamo na to normalnost, KAJTI MI NISMO NIČ OD TEGA!

Simona Muršec




We are awaiting the 16th Pride Parade, which became throughout the years the main visible moment of Slovenian LGBT+ community. It started and remains a protest against structural homophobia faced by LGBT+ people in our society. Today, it ensures visibility of a community that is, due to its differentiation, constantly pushed to the margins of society; out of the public, political and cultural spheres. But above all, it creates a space of freedom; that one day in the year when every person can be exactly who they are. Without having to face pressure towards normality, invisibility and constraint of one’s self.

Our society stigmatises and devalorises LGBT+ people, making them less valuable as human beings – Pride Parade is the moment when we reclaim our dignity. Without compromise.

With every new era, a new attempt of articulation of the change from past conditions, past ways, appears. This year’s festival is marked by a new approach of the current team. An approach of clear articulation of the critique towards society and an explicit political message: not only do we not accept homophobia, we reject all forms of racism. This approach is based on the identification of the need for solidarisation with all those who share the social margins with us. And on the clear demand for equality and human dignity.

Pride Parade is the moment of resistance against the enforced normality of valuing human beings on the basis of the right or wrong body, sexual orientation, belonging, origin… We do not accept this normality, as WE ARE NONE OF THAT!  

Simona Muršec


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