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Če opazujem družbo, ki drvi v ledeno dobo odtujitve, hiperindividualizacije, kolektivnega obupa, anti-intelektualizma in apolitičnosti, na poti izgublja vsako sled senzibilnosti in se natanko tako loteva svojih stisk, torej niti ne več zgolj z latentnimi, temveč povsem eksplicitnimi izrazi rasizmov, ki imajo za končni cilj ustvariti uniformno, stabilizirano družbo, na vseh ravneh slepo asimilirano v privid varnosti večinske medlosti, če torej poslušam družbo v njenem samem jedru – to je hkrati na obrobju -, ko govori o superživilih, skrbi  zase, barva pobarvanke, namesto po kulturi posega po frizbijih in se utaplja v naspidiranem koncernu infantilne zabave, in če dalje opazujem, kako so se taisti učinki družbenostabilizacijskih ideologij naselili v LGBT skupnost, ki to ni ali pa je v razkroju, ko se ponižno in z obeti prosperitete integrira v družbo, ki jo prav s tem vrača v nevidnost, ko torej mnoga anti-seksualizirana telesa prav tako odtujeno tavajo po gentrificiranih prostorih zabrisanih identitetnih in kulturnih razlik, upajo na družino in zmorejo le golo razvedrilo,  z generacijsko kilometrino argumentirajo svoje anti-aktivistične udare, ki so nič drugega kot poskusi vladanja zaradi strahu pred smrtjo, skratka, ko se sprašujem, ali je sploh še kdo živ, kje kdo je in kdo je ta kdo, ko iščem sogovorce, diskusijo in kulturo komunikacije, političnost in senzibilnost, nastane koncept programa letošnje Parade ponosa, ki bo poskusil biti nič od zgoraj naštetega.

Nina Dragičević



If I observe a society that races into the ice age of alienation, hyperindividualisation, collective despair, anti-intellectualism and apoliticism, on its way losing all trace of sensibility, and approaches its anguish in precisely the same way, no longer only through latent, but extremely explicit manifestations of racism, which in the end aim to create a uniform, stabilised society, on every level blindly assimilated into a mirage of majority’s faintness, so if I listen to society in its core – and at the same on the margin – speaking about superfoods, self-care, buying colouring books, throwing frisbees and skipping culture and drowning in over-speeded concern of infantile fun, and if I furthermore observe how these exact effects of socially-stabilisational ideologies occupied our LGTB community, which is not a community or is a decomposing one, while it humbly, and with prospects of prosperity integrates into the same society which is trying to push it back to invisibility, so when these numerous anti-sexualised bodies wander around gentrified spaces of concealed identity – and cultural differences, hoping to belong to a family, capable of only naked entertainment, using their generational mileage as an argument for anti-activist coups which are nothing else then attempts to rule due to fear of death, hence, when I ask myself, whether there is still anybody alive out there, where is anyone and who that anyone is, when I seek for a person to talk to, a discussion and culture of communication, the political and for sensibility, it is when a concept arises, the concept for this year’s Ljubljana Pride, and it will strive to be none of the above.

Nina Dragičević


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